Thursday, June 14, 2012

Personal Adds-Lady A concert

---With Thompson Square and Darius Rucker
NOTE: most of them are taken from the screen cuz they were more clear :)
These are just a few but it was an awesome time hope you like them.

Personal Adds-of my dog<3


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Final Thoughts

        Ahhh here it is... the last big thing to do before this year is up. Final thoughts on the course. Well to start my favourite assignment would probably have to be The Buried Life Assignment, the one we just finished. It definetly opened my eyes to alot of things I could be doing and could add to my Bucket list. It also showed me just how hard it is to think of the ones actually plausable. I did put on more extravagant ones unlike learning how to play piano(which should have been on there). It helped me realize steps to take in the next while to accomplish these things. As I mentioned in other posts I have alot of things I could be completing very soon. It was a bit difficult because I couldn't think of any I guess I needed more inspiration but I managed to find 50. Glad I finished this and to tie that up I watched the Bucket List the other day....Balled my eyes out like a baby. SO SAD!!

       Next on the list is the least favourite assignment, well unfortunatly I'd easily say that it would be the NewsPaper Blackout Poetry. I came in a day late for this assignment as a friend of mine died and that was the funeral but I walked into a storm of paper not knowing where to start how to go about making it look creative and neat, I definetly struggled on it. I found it difficult to find topics to "De-Write" about and although I found it tough I did try. I am glad it's over though. Plus i'm not that creative expecially when i'm rushing to finish it.

     Probably the most i've read in a long time. Friday reading's were great for me. I found it relaxing and i was glad I finally just got some time to sit and get lost in a book. Mind you the books are kind of morbid and weird they were too good. Plus Ellen Hopkins is my favourite author so I could finally have a chance to catch up on the books not read. What was annoying was when people would talk and i'd realize i'm not in the book rather just in a noisy class room.

     The annoying thing that followed..The Written Reflection. For some reason I always struggled on this one. I apparenlty got good marks but I'd always find it hard to write 250 for Reading Reflections and then only 100 for the Written. I would of changed them around only because I am a terribly slow reader usually in a reading session I only get about 20 pages read. If you know the layout for those kind of books its only a couple weird layed out sentences to give it cool effect so when it came down to the" what happened or comments" I had nothing as the book doesn't change that drastically in that amount of time. Apparently I did well though so high 5 for effort.:P

    Writers Readers Notebook or the WRN was probably the least used. As the course started I found it useful but later on as we went right into Blog,Twitter, other. It kind of became obscene. I guess I should of added more personal adds to it to make use of it but I really couldn't think of much to add. It was helpful to organize things out, like the books read and where to locate certain notes but we only really did that sort for the first bit.

     THE BLOG!! DUNDUNDUN.. jk I liked the blog never really knew how difficult it was to maintain but i'm glad I finally made one. i had thought about it for a while before make a rant blog or something but I didn't really know how to start. Well this class helped me. Maybe now ill make a new one....maybe. I found it useful to use handy to keep track of stuff I was missing and easy to scope out others comments. I did like it for an organizing tool.

       Twitter...Le sigh* I tried staying away from the un-necessary poster gadget but we needed it. Mind you it was very neat learning how to use it and read through things. I found it a challenge to have to limit everything to 140 actually 125 something rather because of all the hash tags and at symbols things..took alot of effort to have to squeeze what you were trying to say in that amount. I did learn what the difference between an @ and # do mind you sometimes when posts look like this @cre8tiveHavoc@mandycuz blahblah#omgthishashtagthingishard #confusing... then it's kinda like ummm.what? teehhee

      The Technology Part... I think it was interesting taking a course where all we did was Blog, Tweet, PhotoMonkayy! It definitely helped me learn more about tech stuff.. Thank you Digital Yoda:) Never thought i'd be able to Tweet nice-Id usually just use it to mock people or hound Justin Beiber. yuck. I don't know why I needed another English for uni though.. I mean to teach early years like K-5 kids I needed this! blah. Bogus.

      I have learned in all this kerfuffle that I am a Noob when it comes to tech stuff like this. Seeing everyone own those buried life videos I was like woah howd they do that. I just keep things simple. Which is sad. Ive also learned how to create Blogs and the twitter also learned different ways of poetry, which was sort of neat. When i think it takes a while to make those gears spin so thinking in this course was sort of easy pretty straight fore ward. I liked it.

    Last but not least... Mrs.M you were a great teacher I loved how fun and laid back you were never really got frustrated and when you did you weren't afraid to fakely call someone a D-bag. thought that was funny. Very nice working atmosphere and I like the low lights kept me laid back, where as those others blind me and make me go nuts. I think you did great getting the class to try new things as even I was hesitant to do somethings. Future well now that I'm not in it..Make more homework, lots of writing, lots of paper and be really mean.. jk Nothing wrong with this class I though it was very neat.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Authors note(My Buried Life)

Authors Note
Welcome to my bucket list. This list here is of my 50 things I want to do in my life before I die. The process took a while to think of as I thought I have done a lot of things. After thinking about it a lot I came up with this list. There are many things that require a lot of money so I'm hoping later in life I will be successful enough to full fill most of them. The things on my list I chose for a reason. One of them being -There all challenging in their own way, they will take a lot of effort to complete. Another reason, it will take me to new dangers and limits-It will challenge me and third, It will make me a stronger person, after exploring the world and being everywhere and doing the most notorious famous things, I will be able to do it seems. I normally am an adventurous girl,spontaneous and looking for new thrills but some of these will be extremely difficult. Mind you I will stop at nothing to make them happen if the opportunity is there. The method I chose to do this project is in groups of 5, with 5 different categories of things we've done through this year. The first 5 are Doodles I've tried to draw up in regards to the thing I wanted to do with a sentence to help in case no one got it, next is 6 word memoirs, basically photo edit plus 6 words. The next topic is my own photography which is with me and my elements to make up the picture and then edit them. The last topic is just some cue carsds with a sentence and doodle on it. I'm hoping that the project turns out very well, looking good so far and everyone" Live you're dreams to you're fullest,otherwise your not living" Enjoy it!

Now What(My Buried Life)

Now What
         Now that I am on the last bit of my project it's time to start thinking of how I am going to be completing all these..sigh seems like so much work. Well it is, it's going to cost a lot which means I'll have to get a pretty darn good job if I want to see and do all these things. The list might be done but I will always find more things to add on to it. If and when I have time. My method is going to be start with the easier ones, I already have a list for the next year that i could probably complete if i tried here it is --1,16,18,24,26,34,39,42,45. That's a lot of stuff! Here's the secret. Next march my cousin is getting married in Mexico so I figured getting drunk by 12 noon would be a cynch, hopefully a lot more then that though. Also #30 is officially crossed off the list. The actor that I met was Nathaniel Arcand. he plays" Scott" in heartland. I noticed him when out for brunch with my mom and sister and said I think that's him and I was too nervous to ask if it was but then she came back smiling saying yes it was and he"ll be back he's getting some things to sign. I was practically crying as he walked over to my table.:) There are also some items on the list that seem like they would be so cool to accomplish but probably would never happen like #15( Climb Mt. Everest) ..yeah ok the day I do that would probably be never, Do you know how hard it would be to train for that, you'd have to be fit and healthy and billowy to keep you warm, No as cool as that would be I couldn't actually see myself completing this one. I wish I could hire The Buried Life guys they seem to be able to do a lot of great things and would make this project go by way easier and faster.